MG TD Register
Chassis # Engine # Rego # Name
Prev 14334 XPAG TD2 14289 VVS 774 Linehan
Next 14863 XPAG TD2 14748 W5 RYX Lobb
Chassis No:  14651 TDC Body No:  n/a Engine No:  XPAG TD2 14380 Reg No: VXY 610
Year of M/F:  March 1952 Colour:  Green Trim Colour:  Green
Present Owner:  Linley, Ian
Car originally exported to U.S.A., but repatriated and rebuilt which was featured in Malcolm Green's book - MG T Series - Restoration Guide. Car has been converted to RHD. Car is well used and has been featured in many books/magazine articles etc.
Previous owners: 
Malcolm Green, June 1988 - 1994