MG TD Register
Chassis # Engine # Rego # Name
Prev 11935 XPAG TD2 12387 Unreg Wynter-Smith
Next 11986 XPAG TD2 12427 Unreg Young
Chassis No:  11985 Body No:  11356/78863 Engine No:  XPAG TD2 12399 Reg No: Unreg
Year of M/F:  November 1951 Colour:  Ivory Trim Colour:  Red
Present Owner:  Young, Steven
Car shipped to Sydney on SS Scottish Trader and was received into Nuffield (Aust) inventory on March 31, 1952. Car was originally painted Ivory with Red Trim. 'Car purchased in pieces in 1994 for $3,500. Car has been dismantled and off the road since 1966.
Previous owners: 
Bruce Gibson, Hawthorn in 1994.