MG TD Register
Chassis # Engine # Rego # Name
Prev 11560 XPAG TD2 12022 SVZ 276 Andrews
Next 11565 XPAG TD2 12089 TD 0053 Backholer
Chassis No:  11564 Body No:  n/a Engine No:  XPAG TD2 12079 Reg No: TA 038
Year of M/F:  November 1951 Colour:  Light Grey Trim Colour:  Black
Present Owner:  Armstrong, Kevin
Car shipped to Sydney on SS Belevelyn and was received into Nuffield (Aust) inventory on February 22, 1952. Car was originally painted Grey with Red Trim and sold on May 30, 1952 to Warburton Franki Ltd. 307 Kent St, Sydney. Kevin has owned this car for more than 35 years.
Previous owners: