MG TD Register
Chassis # Engine # Rego # Name
Prev 27858 TDC XPAG TD2 28209 MG TD 53 Morgan
Next 28107 XPAG TD2 28461 MGI 951 Muller
Chassis No:  27902 Body No:  n/a Engine No:  XPAG TD2 28281 Reg No: MG TD 53
Year of M/F:  May 1953 Colour:  British Racing Green Trim Colour:  Beige
Present Owner:  Morgan, Marguerite
Car shipped to Sydney on SS Ramsay and was received into Nuffield (Aust) inventory on August 12, 1953. It was first registered AKS 410 in N.S.W. and delivered to captain D.W.E. Allen, of 12 Princes St, Mortdale on December 19, 1953. Original colour was Silver Streak Grey with Red Trim. Car purchased in late 1998 by Marguerite & George Morgan. Car is used extensively for trips to MGCC Vic meetings in Melbourne and on Club events and Touring Register Tours.
Previous owners: 
Helen Coe, Dingley, Vic.
Glen Smith Ford, Ferntree Gully, Vic. Reg No IZL 321