Owner: |
Thompson, Jim |
Modifications/History Car shipped to Sydney on SS Belevelyn and was received into Nuffield (Aust) inventory on February 22, 1952. Car was originally painted Grey with Red Trim and sold on April 24, 1952 to Stewarts Motor Service, C/- V Stewart, 44 Carwar Ave, Carrs Park, N.S.W. Jim first purchased his car in April1954 for 685 pounds with Reg'n Number GHC 713. He sold it in late 1956 to get married to Louise, and bought it back in 1961 for 310 Pounds. In 1964 he changed the Reg'n to JET 020. This car was originally painted Sun Bronze metallic, but as was the early fashion, it was changed to Woodland Green before Jim's first purchase. The engine is now modified to Lou Molina's expectations with electronic ignition greatly improving the drivability. From a historical point Jim says his gearbox was used by John Needham to trial close ratio parts to iron out any bugs. |
owners: |
William K. Paton |
J. Herring, South Gundagai, N.S.W. regn AED 292 |