Owner: |
Smith, Donald |
Modifications/History Car shipped to Sydney on SS Oronsay and was received into Nuffield (Aust) inventory on June 26, 1951. Car was originally painted Red with Red Trim and sold on July 6, 1951 by Ron Ward to B Wheeler, 92 Curlewis Rd, Bondi, N.S.W. with Reg # AAW 761. This car was stored for many years in a dismantled condition. In 2004 it was restored by Brain Darke's 'Maintaining the Breed'. Car won MGCC & National Concours trophies in 2007. No photograph available, substitute inserted. |
owners: |
David Ayres, 1982 -92 |
Christopher Ayres, Warrawee, N.S.W. 1978 -82 |