MG TD Register
Chassis # Engine # Rego # Name
Prev 05778 XPAG TD 1227 Unknown Cundy
Next 05801 XPAG TD 1297 Unknown Darke
Chassis No:  05800 Body No:  n/a Engine No:  XPAG TD 12661 Reg No: Unknown
Year of M/F:  January 1951 Colour:  Unknown Trim Colour: 
Present Owner:  Daly, Phil
Car shipped to Sydney on SS Otranto and was received into Nuffield (Aust) inventory on April 16, 1951. Car was originally painted Ivory with Red Trim and sold on May 11, 1951 to D Stuart, 152 Meredith St, Bankstown, N.S.W. with Reg # AAA 574. Info on this car and owner supplied by Henry Stenning. ' No photograph available, substitute inserted.
Previous owners: