MG TD Register
Chassis # Engine # Rego # Name
Prev 04898 XPAG TD 4745 MG 1950 Weisberger
Next 04900 XPAG TD 4794 MG 1951 Wellman
Chassis No:  04899 Body No:  4355/63997 Engine No:  XPAG TD 4790 Reg No: MG 1951
Year of M/F:  December 1950 Colour:  Woodland Green Trim Colour:  Black
Present Owner:  Welch, Philip
Phil purchased his car in 1996 and has since rebuilt the engine, gearbox and carbs. The body has been retimbered and the next job is to paint it. Information on this car and owner obtained at the 1998 MGCC Hobart National Meeting. The first owner of the car in his first year of ownership had the misfortune to roll the car and die as a result of injuries.
Previous owners: 
Mrs Lipscomb.
Peter Bick for 30 years.