MG TD Register
Chassis # Engine # Rego # Name
Prev 00336 XPAG TD 7253 Unreg Elliott
Next 00400 XPAG TD 7581 UPN 304 Fabry
Chassis No:  00396 Body No:  246/48158 Engine No:  XPAG TD 747 Reg No: Unreg
Year of M/F:  January 1950 Colour:  Dark Green Trim Colour:  Tan
Present Owner:  Eriksen, Rod
This car is in very original condition, only the interior over the years has been changed to vinyl material. On 3/5/60 Reg No was HEF 592, and on 6/1/69 it changed to KDW 249.
Previous owners: 
D. Chambers, Templestowe, Vic.